Club Policies 2 of 12

2. Hardship Policy Season 2024/25

Hardship Policy

It is our policy to give everyone the opportunity to participate in rugby at our club.

No one will be excluded because of financial hardship.

The following guidelines will apply:

• Unemployed people and full-time students in Further or Higher Education will receive a 50% reduction on the normal annual subscription for their membership class.

• Junior Players whose parent or parents are unemployed will receive a 50% reduction or will be allowed to delay payment until they’re employed again.

• Coaches and team managers should be sensitive to and try to become aware of any members in their group that may be experiencing financial or personal hardship. Any such situations should be reported in confidence to the Membership Secretary who has discretion to allow free membership if appropriate.

• Should any officer or manager become aware that a player is suffering or being excluded because their family cannot afford kit or equipment, they must report it to the Membership Secretary who has the authority to resolve the problem.

Last updated: June 2024


BRFC Hardship Policy 2024/25
